
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran Day

Today is a day of remembrance for those men of uniform who have fought for us. Specially those who have been fighting on foreign soil so that they do not have to fight the war inland!

salute you all veterans! I know you are from all age range, you are from different countries therefore different background though you might have the English language in common, many of you have a primary language.

In spite of all this difference you are fighting, you fought or are serving for one purpose only! Keep us safe in America and help other countries enjoy democracy I salute you all for your bravery and determination!

As we are celebrating our veterans let not also forget the Fort Hood shooting rampage victims! No matter what your religious or political stand is nothing justifies this barbaric and coward act. You do not like something you are free to express yourself but do not take it on anybody! They are just following orders!

It all comes to this, whether you want to admit it or not: People need the Lord! He is peace and will take your burden away from you!
People need to realize that even when they do not think about it, somebody somewhere is doing the hard work of protecting them and it should not be taken for granted!

Have a wonderful veteran Day and if you see a former/active men in uniform tell him/her thanks for the sacrifice!

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