Christmas here is such a big deal! It is huge! Unfortunately mostly marketing wise, it is the do or die for a lot of businesses. They try to sell you, upsell you etc...
One would think that Christmas is all about material gifts.
I know also there is another category of people on Christmas they do nothing but good deeds, giving out money to poor families, giving gifts to unfortunate kids, feeding the homeless and so on... I applaud them for that and pray God that he fortifies them to keep on blessing others with their blessings. Unfortunately, a lot of these people do stuff just because it is Christmas and would only do it on Christmas but I am happy to say that most of them are great people and would do it at any time of the year. As a matter of fact, their deeds would go unnoticed since "christmas spirit" will be gone by the end of December.
Let me be clear on that, give, give, give is the most amazing thing you can do but it becomes not that good when you do it just so that people can talk about how good of a person you are.
See Christmas is about giving but rather a gift with no return. Christmas is all about Jesus, it is not about reindeer, elf, Santa Clause etc.. though I like these characters but the main story of Christmas is all over in the bible! As a matter of fact a prophecy was giving in the book of Isaiah: for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon is shoulder and he will be called wonderful counselor, everlasting father, prince of peace, Mighty God!
We were given a gift that we actually did not deserve and could not afford! As we go along the season with joy and happiness and lights etc... Let's us be reminded that Jesus is the reason for the season and be thankful to him for giving his life for the redemption of our sins!
Christmas has always been special for me and it still his till today because... Yes, of the gifts.... and also since now I have my own family I want to make it as exciting to my kids as I can!
I am looking forward to read about people who wants to express what Christmas means to them.
From my family to you and yours have a wonderful, Jesus-filled Christmas and may this Christmas spirit keep on going throughout the whole year! Let's do our effort to be a better individual for this new year! Be safe and loving and kind to everyone!
Joy, Peace and love!
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